
Revolutionize the way we communicate and connect with the world - smart glasses.

Designed to make life more understandable and enjoyable for everyone.

  • Travelers

  • Global business professionals

  • Education Students and Teacher

Why Translucence ?

With Translucence, we're taking a step towards a better world where communication is no longer a barrier.


  • Break down language barriers and foster cross-cultural communication by leveraging innovative technology

  • Create a more understanding and connected global community

A full time Business Professional


  • Age: 44

  • Gender: Male

  • Education: Dr.

  • Occupation: professional businessmen

  • Income: $200,000


  • Location: Sydney CBD, NSW

  • Area population: 5,121,000 (2023)

Psychographic Information

  • Values Getting high distinctions

  • Personality traits: sociable, outgoing.

  • Hobbies/Interests: traveling, watching documentaries, exploring the diversity, news

  • Behaviors: kind, helpful

  • Attitudes: keen to learn new things

Digital Behaviour:

  • Preferred platforms: Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube

  • 5+ hours per day

  • Type of content: Tech updates, about the local culture, creation of tech, global economics and News

  • Device(s) used: Smartphone, laptop, smartwatch

  • Preferred method of communication: Instagram DMs, Email, Website chat servies, Facebook messenger


  • Language Barriers: language gap, making communication and navigation much easier

  • Information Overload: real-time translations of signs, menus, and other information, helping users quickly understand their surroundings and make informed decisions.

  • Discomfort or Inconvenience: all in one device, reducing the need for multiple gadgets


  • Portability and Compatibility

  • Prioritising user privacy and accuracy, building trust  as a reliable and valuable tool for global communication and connection.







Languages Barriers

Informative and educational / clear, simple language/ highlight selling points. solve the pain points of target audience

Overload Information

Persuasive and helpful/ valuable information encourages potential customers, make informed decisions


Confident and assertive/ conveys a sense of urgency and encourages focus on the benefits of product and show the specific needs

Customere service 24/7

Grateful/ encourages advocacy/ feedbacks Thank customers for purchase and ask to share experiences with others.

Awareness campaign

This awareness campaign is an campaign that aims to educate customers on Translucence and raise brand reputation

The Campaign

  • Position as a leader in overcoming language barriers for international business travelers.

  • Enhance brand awareness, drive website traffic as the go-to solution for international business settings


Increase brand awareness and reach potential target audience of international business travelers.

Background & Goals

  • Sales Manager working in technology industry

  • Travel internationally to attend conferences and explore business opportunities

  • Seeking solution to overcome language barriers and improve his communication skills to succeed in his career.

Pain points

  • Struggle to convey his idea effectively and fears miscommunication

  • He needs a solution that provides real-time translation, communicate effortlessly and save time


  • Highlighting Seamless Communication

  • Showcasing Cultural Understanding


With Translucence technology, you can confidently engage with clients, partners, and colleagues from around the world, ensuring clear and effective communication.

#SpeakTheWorldsLanguages #Transluence

  • Seamless Communication

  • Save Time, Boost Productivity

  • Global Networking Made Easy

  • Trustworthy and Reliable

  • Professional Growth

These keywords will be strategically incorporated into our website content, blog articles, and video. By implementing a comprehensive SEO strategy and incorporating a mix of paid, earned, shared, and owned components in the campaign, we can maximize our reach, engage the target audience, build credibility, and foster interest in our real-time translation solutions for international business travelers.

I have chosen to sponsor events that will include real-time translation experiences as part of our awareness campaign.

One such event is eduTech, which will take place on August 24th and 25th.

content strategy

1.Topic Selection:

  • Focus on relevant topics that resonate with international business travelers.

  • Address key pain points such as language barriers, effective communication, and cultural nuances.

2. Blog Articles:

  • Develop informative and engaging blog articles.

  • Provide actionable insights for overcoming language barriers in international business settings.


  • Design visually appealing infographics.

  • Offer tips, statistics, or comparisons related to international business communication.

4.Social Media Engagement:

  • Utilize social media platforms for content distribution and promotion.

  • Share blog articles, videos, infographics, and other resources on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram.

  • Promote related events through social media channels.

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